THR301 - Directing Application Course
This video is the first of a three part video series I created for new students
THR301 - Directing Application Course
This directing application course is an adaption of a face-to-face course from the Taylor University School of Music, Theatre, & Dance. The goal of this adaption is to help learners find innovative ways to continue learning theatrical practices online. The online version of this course uses LTIs that optimize collaborative learning and make an online theatrical endeavor possible.
THR301 - Course Walk-through
If you do not have access to CANVAS, but still want to see THR301, you can! Feel free to explore the course walk-through video. I will take you on a ten minute guided tour of my course adaptation.
Action Research Thesis
Examining Faculty Understanding of and Attitudes Toward Inclusive Design and UDL Principles in Higher Education uses the Inclusive Teaching Strategies Inventory (ITSI) with the CANE Motivation model to gain new insight in order to create a culture in which inclusive design and UDL principles become the norm. The survey includes select subscales of the ITSI to collect quantitative data along with 5 qualitative questions based on three components of the Commitment and Necessary Effort (CANE) Motivation model. The results revealed faculty’s attitudes toward and current implementation of inclusive teaching strategies and offered insight into what motivates faculty to prioritize the implementation of accessible course design.
Action Research Thesis
Course Map & Instructor Competency Statement
In preparation to design THR301-Directing Application, I strategized my course design by using backwards design & creating a course map. I also had the opportunity to flesh out what I believe to be the most important aspects of online instruction and design in my Instructor Competency Statement.